Leisure is an important part of health — it’s adaptable to you, your needs, your dreams, your desires. Research continually shows that people who feel fulfilled are not only happier, but they also live longer!
Millions of people around the world spend a good amount of time and money just to hit the road and travel either around the country or abroad. Stories of people leaving their corporate careers and dropping everything just to travel have become common online. Although there are others who think that these decisions are irresponsible and shows a complete disregard for the future, the people who have actually experienced going away to strange and wonderful places for the first time would agree that travelling, even with all its financial and physical requirement, will always be worth it.
Break Free of Your Comfort Zone
You’ve probably heard from others how getting out of your comfort zone can be good for you. If you are always living and making decisions within your personal comfort zone, you are limited to explore and eventually discover new and exciting things. Travelling will help you confront your greatest fears of being in an unknown place full of strangers and in living a day or two being open to surprises and gaining more confidence as you face the unexpected hurdles of travelling.
No matter how rigid the travel plans may be, traveling always has an edge of unpredictability. For most travelers, it means that they need to allow time for spontaneity in their schedules. Traveling will force you to be more flexible, a great quality that will make life easier in the long run.
Meet New People
The perks of travel is not limited to the amazing and magical places that you can visit but also the encounters that you have with new people. Meeting travelers from different walks of life can be exciting and life-changing. NBC recommends that you be open to these familiarities and be willing to let even a complete stranger inspire you with their own stories and their personal passions. There are a lot of opportunities to help yourself grow and be a better person through your relationship with others and travelling can be your golden ticket.
Understand Life by Living to the Fullest
Who am I? Why am I here? We always ask these questions every time we try to understand the meaning of life and why we exist. All we have are these questions, and the older we get, the more complicated (or less simple) they become. Living your life to the fullest can, in a way, make us understand why we are here and what we should do with what we have.
One of the ways to fully enjoy life is to experience the world through going to places and being open to these experiences. Soon you’ll realize that by doing so, you have experienced life through the stories of places and people that you meet along the way.
When we live in one place for years on end, seeing the same sights every day can impact the way we imagine the rest of the world. That is, until we see other cities or countries first hand. As humans, we naturally compare ourselves to others, but when we discover cultures and lifestyles that aren’t our own, we get a chance to break free of that habit and appreciate how other’s lives are different than our own, states CNBC. Putting things in perspective greatly helps in reducing any stress or depression that may be lingering in the body.

Experience a Whole New World
If you think about it, the worlds that we will ever know will be through the things that we personally experience. Travelling will help you realize that there is a bigger and a totally different world out there and you should not limit yourself to living through the same reality over and over again. One destination is different from the other and each can teach you a different lesson. From Bath to Birmingham, the bigger and wider world can help you bring forth a better and more open understanding of the world and our relationship with others.
Traveling allows the mind to expand and literally see the world in new and different ways. When we become accustomed to a certain way of living, our minds tend become closed to many of life’s possibilities. You’ll find that travel enriches your culture awareness.
Get a Break from Hassles of Daily Life
One of the most common reasons why people travel is to escape from the stress of daily living especially if they live in a big and busy city. Most of the time, responsibilities at home and at work can be really overwhelming that we forget what it means to relax and slow down. Travelling will remind you that you have to relax and take it easy so that you can reach a place of spiritual wellness.
When was the last time you went on a vacation? Treat yourself and you’ll realize the bigger reward of a refreshing travel. In addition, taking such invigorating break is proven to boost one’s productivity and creativity. Most traveling either has an element of sightseeing, walking, hiking, or water sports. This means that you can be active while still immersing yourself in a new place. You might even discover something about your ancestry
Experience Different Cultures
Travelling abroad, for instance, can be really scary especially if it’s your first time to get out of the country. However, many first time travelers dared to go out and experience cultures that have either shocked or amazed them. Imagine experiencing a world totally different from your own, and meeting people whose perspectives can be a total opposite to what you have known all your life. Many times, these could be thrilling and at the same time, mind-opening.
Traveling offers us the opportunity to leave our comfort zones and try local foods. This means that our body might be getting different nutrients that we are used to – adding an aspect of health to our travels!